Contact Me

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or even any tips/suggestions for my blog! All advice will be very much accepted and appreciated!

You can also leave me a comment on this page and i'll try my best to reply as soon as possible :) 

Mutsy X


  1. Hi lovely!
    I've been nominated for this Liebster Award thingy (i'm sure you've seen it floating around!) I had to nominate a few people and i've chosen you because you have a really lovely blog! All the info is here-

    Sophs xx

    1. Wow! Aww Sophie thank you so much i will definitely nominate you back because you're blog is BEAUTIFUL! Ahh this is super encouraging thank you <3 xx

  2. wait no i've just realised you can't tag someone that has been nominated for the award haha! Boo :( xx
